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Defining Socially Responsible Investing

What defines a Socially Responsible Investment?

Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) is a sector of Financial Investment Industry which takes into account an investor's views and beliefs in relation to social, environmental, religious or other moral criteria.

The Social Investment Forum's "2003 Report on Socially Responsible Investing Trends in the United States" defines socially responsible investing as:

"an investment process that considers the social and environmental consequences of investments, both positive and negative, within the rigorous financial analysis. It is a process of identifying and investing in companies that meet certain standards of Corporate Social Responsibility and is increasingly practiced internationally".
(Social Investment Forum, 2003)

When making a socially responsible investment, an investor will either:

* Avoid investment in those companies who are not socially responsible in terms of the investor's particular concerns.

* Actively choose to invest in those companies that do practice socially responsible behaviour.

At its most general level, most socially responsible investors wish to avoid investing in companies whose practices put people at risk of illness or death, companies whose activities destroy or damage the environment, and companies who have a poor record on human rights or employment policies and practices.

Socially responsible investments are sometimes known as 'green' investments due to the environmental screening criteria commonly used.

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